
Part of my concern has always been the cultural integration in modern life, especially in my own surroundings in Tehran, and to be more precise among the educated middle•class living in Tehran.
In the collectionthat this work belongs to, I have taken into consideration another aspect of this cultural integration.
The subject is personal photographs of people in Facebook. Amateur photos of everyday life.
As a free virtual space, Facebook has a special meaning to the people whose freedom of expression is met with restrictions.
As a sculptor, by choosing some of these people and sculpting their torsos, I have tried to reflect this phenomenon from my own point of view.
The sculptures are all from real people that either live in Iran or have gone abroad for education.
In all of my works, only the front part of the torso has been made and the reason is that you can only see the same part in the photos.

70 × 55 × 30 cm
100 × 45 × 29 cm
60 × 54 × 32 cm
63 × 47 × 25 cm
60 × 44 × 52 cm
60 × 29 × 52 cm
38 × 13 × 34 cm
36 × 26 × 60 cm
50 × 40 × 62 cm
52 × 30 × 76 cm